Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities

The patient has a right…

  • To be treated with respect and dignity and to be provided with courteous, considerate care
  • To be informed about the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the health problem in terms and language that can be understood
  • To know the chances that treatment will be effective and to know the possible risks, side effects and alternative methods of treatment
  • To receive confidential treatment of their disclosures and medical records, except when required by law, and is afforded the opportunity to approve or refuse release
  • To have access to a second medical opinion before making any decision. The patient can decide not to be treated, but must be informed of the medical consequences of refusal
  • To participate in decisions involving the health problem
  • To be informed of their personal responsibilities, involved in seeking medical treatment and maintaining health and well-being thereafter
  • To privacy; privacy of person and privacy of personal health information
  • To have access to resource persons and information concerning health education, self-care and prevention of illness

The patient has the responsibility…

  • To inform their clinician of any changes in their health status that could affect their treatment
  • To adhere to a prescribed treatment plan and to discuss any desired change
  • To act in a considerate and cooperative manner with the FMOA providers and staff
  • To treat other patients, staff and clinicians with respect. This includes no cell phone use, recording or photography
  • To ask questions and seek clarification regarding areas of concern
  • To weigh the consequences of refusing to comply with instructions and recommendations
  • To assist the clinicians in compiling a complete record by authorizing the FMOA staff to obtain necessary medical information from appropriate sources
  • To be conscious of respiratory hygiene while in the waiting area with other students and patients
  • To show respect to others by keeping their appointment and being on time
  • To cancel appointments only when absolutely necessary, and with at least a 24-hour notice in advance so that other patients might utilize that time
  • To understand their health insurance and prescription coverage benefits. FMOA is not responsible to understand individual coverage needs and restrictions.
  • To inform staff if labs are to go to a specific location.

Upon failure to comply with appointment times, payment and treatment, the patient may be informed of their dismissal from FMOA.

If the patient desires to discuss their grievance, they can request this in writing to the FMOA Practice Administrator.

Starting October 1st you can walk-in for your flu vaccine! If you are interested in receiving your Covid at the same time, please call ahead at 434-973-9744 to ensure we have the appropriate vaccine in stock.